Book Review: Up, Down, or Sideways by Mark Sanborn
Recently I finished reading the book, Up, Down, or Sideways: How to succeed when times are good, bad, or in between by Mark Sanborn.
Sanborn starts out by telling how things were going three years ago. His speaking engagements were fewer, his investments were decreasing, and he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. During this time, Mark looked within and around and remained proactive to rise above his circumstances.
Mark Sanborn is a leadership expert and "Up, Down, or Sideways" is a how to book on taking leadership in your life, helping you ride the waves, no matter how high or how low.
Mark tells how to make the necessary adjustments dependent on the direction you happen to be going. A great attitude is a great way to go, but one also needs to approach life with a cautious optimism.
The great thing about Sanborn discussing these three topics of Up, Down, or Sideways, is that he himself went through a similar situation of being “Down” and “Sideways” over the past few years. Based on Mark’s personal experience with health and business struggles, I really appreciated the book’s perspective on the down and sideways parts of life.
If you know of someone (or maybe you yourself) who is going through tough times this is a great book for them. Sanborn provides practical tips that will help anyone to see success for what it truly is while making progress towards it regardless of his or her situation.
I give it:
Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book.
So my questions to you are:
- Have you read this book?
- What other advice for dealing with hard times would you share with others?
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