Snowmaggedon 2015
Brrrrrr!!!! February has been buried!!
That's right. Here in the Southern United States, we rarely see as much snow as we have gotten this month. We were slammed with a massive Snowmaggedon this month!
I wanted to share a few pics of the snow. Keep in mind that we did not get a huge amount like the North Eastern states. We weren't digging tunnels to get about. What we did get was inches of ice under and on top of all the snow!
These were the first few days of the snow. And let me tell you something.....Tennessee was not prepared. There were over 23 deaths in Tennessee due to the weather. In middle Tennessee, a 70+ year old lady was found ALIVE frozen to the ground. She had been stuck there 2 days!!!
This was taken on a Saturday morning. We had just been hit with a good snow early that morning and my hubby's parents water line burst. We were headed to fix that for them. Not long after I took that picture, there was an SUV on the other side of the four lane headed in the opposite direction. But what caught my eye was that it was on FIRE! Yes, driving down the road ON FIRE. I told my husband to turn around (in snow and ice and FAST) and I immediately called 911. By the time we got back to that vehicle, it was in flames. I knew the young lady that was driving the vehicle. She had just bought the Jeep and was headed to work. I also knew her boss, so we called him and let him know what was going on. Within minutes the vehicle was engulfed and the battery and various engine parts had exploded. She lost everything except herself and what was in her pockets. The fire department arrived just in time before the flames hit the gas tank.
She was safe but lost her belongings in the vehicle as well as the vehicle. Not long after this day,a good friend went missing while heading to work. She was found 10 hours later, stranded in her vehicle that had slid off the road.
Its been a very Dangerous month here in Tennessee! But alas, it has been beautiful. Here a few pics of the last snow that we had.