Book Review: Stress Free in 30 Days
Recently I finished reading the book, Stress Free in 30 Days by Charles Linden.
The book covers 30 days (topics) that can help you lessen your stress. Linden goes from diet to massages and personal time. I feel like the main topic of discussion throughout the book is: UNORGANIZED people live in chaotic stress. Reading the book, I just felt queasy. I have been to the bottom and I have felt as if I were on top of the world. I have suffered from panic attacks and I have been stress-free. I have suffered from eating disorders and still fight with bouts of OCD. Let me tell you from experience, organization is the foundation for my life. I can tell you, I have planned thoughts and I have had every minute of my day planned......this only leads to more stress.
I did find a few parts that I loved within the book. Mind you, I liked these parts NOT for their relevance to the book as a whole, but more as an all round idea. I liked the goal setting chapter, as well as the exercise chapter. I have became intrigued with Tai Chi and want to learn more about it.

"This is your life: as far as we know, we only get one... make it count, starting RIGHT NOW!" ~Charles Linden (Stress Free in 30 Days; pg. 198)
The Book as a Whole and the Author
This book as a whole is helpful for anxious people. I think that this book would help the kind of people that suffer from anxiety issues from panic attacks to Obsessive Compulsive. The book is 200 pages and includes an audio CD with various visualization tracks. The audio CD visualizations are incorporated throughout the book. The audio tracks walk you through "an imaginative journey" to the end wanted result, whether it be sleep or personal empowerment.
The author varies from very simple writing to developed thinking. Some of the chapters can be mundane and discuss the chemical reactions in the brain when anxiety or stress occur. When you are striving to be stress-free, just this part of the book becomes stressful. Linden's book seems to contain a numerous amount of fillers (i.e. repetitive comments). I do understand that some of Linden's points are worth repeating, to drill it in so to speak, but some are not worthy of repeating.
My Favorite Parts
I did find a few parts that I loved within the book. Mind you, I liked these parts NOT for their relevance to the book as a whole, but more as an all round idea. I liked the goal setting chapter, as well as the exercise chapter. I have became intrigued with Tai Chi and want to learn more about it.
What I Got From The Book
I am not discrediting Linden or the Linden Method. From reading the book, I see that Linden has helped MANY people. That makes me very happy that others are able to move past their anxiety and issues. I find myself not being able to use this book. Some forms of stress are healthy. Organizing my every day plan and even thoughts send me in to Obsessive mode.
As a whole, the book is more helpful on how to live an organized well rounded life instead of becoming stress-free.
I give it:
Hay House has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for this review.
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So my questions to you are:
- Have you read this book?
- What other advice for living stress-free would you share with others?