Blast from the Past
Here recently I have been doing a lot of ancestry/genealogy research and have gotten back quite far! I have gotten all the way back to the 1700's in all lines of my family. I thinks it is so exciting!
The other day my grandmother gave me a few pics of myself to share :)
I was in my grandmothers kitchen taking a bath in the sink LOL 10 months old!
Here I am 5 months old. My grandmother wrote on the back of the picture: She's beginning to crawl and tries to talk. She waves good-bye and is always smiling!
I am taking a bath at my aunts house at 10 months.
After looking at these pictures I realize that my niece and nephew look exactly like me!!! LOL
This is my sisters boy, Tee. He is a little over 6 months right now. Every time I look at his pictures and his cute little face, I think of the pictures of me. Tee has those prominent cheekbones when he smiles and a silly, happy demeanor to match. He perks up every time he sees his Auntie Dani. Right now, his favorite thing to do is chase people. He is starting to crawl and he screams in excitement when he gets close enough to grab you. I cant wait til he can play hide and seek with us.
This is my brothers little boy, Maverick. He is such a cutie pie. Mav is very outspoken and loves activity! He is always moving and smiling and giggling and talking. Anything to be active! I love knowing that he is going to be super active and go go go. That means Aunt Dani can chase him around a lot heeheehee. He is so precious and beautiful. I think he looks a little like his dad (my brother) but I think that he got his really good looks from his Mommy.
As you can tell, family is a large part of my life! From ancestors, all the way to the newest generation!
So my questions to you are:
- Have you ever dug into your lineage?
- Will you share your wonderful stories about family with me?
Leave me your comments below on any other tips you may have? Also, if you have another topic you wish for me to investigate, leave me a comment sharing your ideas too!
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